Cirriculum Vitae
Current position (2022-)
Postdoc with Dr Kenneth Lindegaard Madsen at University of Copenhagen, Department of Neuroscience. My research is funded by a grant from The Lundbeck Foundation.
Postdoc with Dr Franziska Denk and Prof Stephen McMahon, Wolfson Centre of Age-related Diseases, King’s College London. My research was funded by The Lundbeck Foundation and IMK Almene Fond.
PhD, Health, Aarhus University, Sep. 2018
MSc, Molecular Medicine, Aarhus University, March 2015
BSc, Molecular Medicine, Aarhus University, July 2012
Academic grants and awards
2018 Post doc fellow grant from Lundbeck foundation (170.000kr/22.600€)
2018 Post doc fellow funding from IMK almene fond (100.000kr/13.500€)
2018 Best Oral presentation, PhD day, Aarhus University
2018 Research grants: Fonden for Neurologisk Forskning (20.000kr/2.700€)
2017 Research grants: IMK almene fond (285.000kr/38.500€)
2017 Travel grants: Augustinus Foundation (20.000kr/2.700€), Graduate School of Health at Aarhus University (60.000kr/8.100€)
2017 Best Poster presentation, PhD day, Aarhus University
2016 Research grants: Augustinus Foundation (50.000kr/6.700€)
Scientific focus areas
My research focus is on pain biology with emphasis on the peripheral nervous system. I have technical expertise with tissue clearing and 3D imaging, in vivo imaging, flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, dissection of the nervous system, primary cell cultures and bulk and single cell RNAseq analysis.
Conferences and International relations
2024: Pain Mechanisms and Therapeutics Conference, Verona, Italy (oral presentation)
2023: NeuPSIG, International Congress on Neuropathic Pain, Lisbon, Portugal (oral poster presentation)
2023: ResolvePAIN consortium, Uniklinikum Würzburg, (invited speaker)
2022: IASP, World Congress on Pain, Toronto, Canada
2021: SASP (Scandinavian association for the study of pain), virtual (oral presentation)
2021: XV European Meeting on Glial Cells in Health and Disease, virtual (oral presentation)
2020: Glia in Health & Disease, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), virtual (poster presentation)
2019: XIV European Meeting on Glial Cells in Health and Disease, Porto, Portugal (poster presentation)
2019: 5th International Symposium on Peripheral Nerve Regeneration, Porto, Portugal (oral presentation)
2018: Pain Mechanisms and Therapeutics Conference, Taormina, Italy (oral presentation)
2017: Research stay at Professor Stephen McMahon, King’s College London, London, United Kingdom
2017 Peripheral Serve Society, Sitges, Spain (poster presentation)
2017 4th European Society for the Study of Peripheral nerve Repair and Regeneration, Barcelona, Spain (oral presentation)
2015 10th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Copenhagen, Denmark (poster presentation)
2014: Research visit at Professor Menachem Hanani, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
2013: Research stay at Professor Stefano Geuna, Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi, Turin, Italy
Supervision of students
I have supervised a medical research year student for a full year at Aarhus University, a BSc student for a 6 week project at King’s College London and several master students at Copenhagen University.
Communication experience
2024 co-organizer of Mic to Mic (microscope to microphone) event
2023 co-founder of SciComm incubator (
2023 Speaker at Pint of Science DK
2020-present creator of scientific comic strips
2019 finalist in PhD cup on DR TV
2017 Speaker at The Danish Science festival (Forskningens døgn)
2016-2017 Speaker at Talerøret
2017 Article about pain at
2016 Article about neuropathic pain in RYK magazine
2014, 2015, 2016 Instructor in Medical Biochemistry, Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University